1502 Cigars
1502 Nicaragua Robusto Box Pressed Cigars are pure Nicaraguan puros encompassing tobaccos from all the four regions. Esteli, Jalapa, Condega and Ometepe all supply choicest tobacco leaves for this stogie. Beautifully blended they create a medium to medium plus cigar with a robust profile. The flavour bouquet is quite complex and features notes of cedar, black pepper and cream with aromas of bread and baking spices. Crafted by skilled rollers it sports a soft box-pressed look on a solid body. The burn and draw too are pretty impressive and adds to the pleasure of smoking. These are crafted in a 5 x 50 sized Robusto vitolas. They come in boxes of 30. To buy these 1502 Nicaragua Robusto Box Pressed Cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.