1502 Cigars
1502 Nicaragua Churchill Box Pressed Cigars are crafted with only Nicaraguan tobaccos that give it a robust and complex profile. It encompasses tobaccos from all the four prominent regions, Esteli, Jalapa, Condega and Ometepe. Each place lends its own characteristics into the blend. The body of these cigars is medium to medium plus. It displays an eventful smoke with dominant notes of cedar, black pepper and cream. Aromas of bread and baking spices make their way to the nose. It is crafted with precision and sports a soft box pressed look. The burn and draw is just what you like, smooth and even. These are built in 7 x 48 sized Churchill vitolas. They come in boxes of 20. To buy these 1502 Nicaragua Churchill Box Pressed Cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.