1502 Nicaragua
1502 Nicaragua Cigars The Best Nicaraguan Puro
The 1502 Nicaragua is an addition to the 1502 Cigars Brands. Added in 2015 to the 1502 Portfolio of Cigar brands, this Nicaraguan Puro is here to stay. The Cigars are a homage to Enrique Sanches's hometown, which Christopher Columbus discovered in 1502. The line features a covered foot and a blend of premium tobaccos from the Volcanic solid of Condega, Esteli, Jalapa, and Ometepe. Tobacco regions from Nicaragua are known for their flavorful tobacco.
1502 Nicaragua is a medium to full-bodied cigar, rated an 89, but it truly feels like a 90+ when you taste it; this line fits right in with the 1502 Emerald and Ruby as a medium plus, with honey and vanilla aromas with citrus notes and cedar with a tiny bit of apple the 1502 Nicaragua is the final creation of the 1502 series. The cigars are available in our Cigar Shop all year long!
1502 Nicaragua Tobacco Blend
The 1502 Nicaragua are composed of the Fillers of the central growing regions of Nicaragua: Esteli, Condega, Jalapa, and Ometepe, blend in with a rare Nicaraguan Binder and finally wrapped with an also Nicaraguan wrapper. These Handmade Cigars are exquisite and cigar aficionados' favorites!
1502 Nicaraguan are 100% Best Nicaraguan premium tobacco
Enrique Sanchez Icaza from Global Premium Cigars, created this blend in only two sizes, both being box pressed in a wooden vintage Natural White box, each with a different set Robusto in a group of 30 and Churchill in a group of 20:
- Robusto cigars
- Churchill cigars
- Look for them also in Single Cigars Online!
Premium Handmade Cigars
These premium handmade cigars are unique. 1502 Nicaraguan is available online at Cuencacigars.com and in our Brick & Mortar Cigar store. Stop Today and ask for 1502 Cigars. You won't regret it!
Why Shopping at Cuenca Cigars
Shopping at Cuenca Cigars is a pleasure. Our 20 years of experience in the Cigars World makes us knowledgeable about the cigar brands we pick for the cigar store. Our vast inventory includes Boutique Cigar Brands such as this one: 1502 Cigars. We care for our customers, and we also support our industry! Stop Today and see it by yourself!