Browse Cigars
Comprehensive List of Cigars: Your Guide to Top Brands
Looking for the ultimate list of cigars to enhance your smoking experience? This guide covers top brands and their signature offerings, catering to both novice smokers and seasoned aficionados. Dive in to find the perfect blend for your next smoke. Whether you're starting or expanding your cigar collection, this guide has you covered.
Introduction to Cigar Brands
Welcome to the world of premium cigars, where the art of cigar-making meets the passion of cigar enthusiasts. With a vast array of cigar brands available, it can be overwhelming to navigate the market. Each brand brings its unique flair, history, and craftsmanship to the table, offering a diverse range of flavors and experiences.
From the renowned Arturo Fuente Cigar Co., celebrated for its meticulous craftsmanship and rich history, to lesser-known boutique brands that offer unique and innovative blends, the world of cigars is vast and varied. Whether you are a seasoned aficionado or a curious newcomer, there is a cigar brand out there that caters to your palate and budget.
Arturo Fuente cigars, for instance, are synonymous with quality and tradition, making them a staple in any premium cigar collection. On the other hand, boutique brands often experiment with different tobaccos and techniques, providing a fresh and exciting experience for those looking to explore new flavors.
In this section, we will introduce you to a range of cigar brands, highlighting their key characteristics, features, and benefits. Whether you prefer the classic taste of a well-aged cigar or the bold flavors of a modern blend, there is something for everyone in the world of cigars.
Key Takeaways
Classic cigar brands like Arturo Fuente, Padron, and Cohiba represent the pinnacle of quality and craftsmanship in the cigar industry.
Nicaraguan, Honduran, and Dominican cigars each offer unique flavor profiles and strengths shaped by their growing conditions, catering to diverse preferences.
When purchasing cigars for your cigar collection, consider brand reputation, flavor profile, strength, and construction quality to ensure a satisfying smoking experience.
History of Cigar Brands
The history of cigar brands dates back to the 19th century, when cigar-making was a traditional craft passed down through generations. This rich heritage is evident in the stories of iconic brands like Arturo Fuente, Montecristo, and Romeo y Julieta, each of which has played a significant role in shaping the cigar industry.
Arturo Fuente, for example, began its journey in 1912 and has since become a symbol of excellence and tradition in the cigar world. The brand’s commitment to quality and craftsmanship has earned it a loyal following among cigar enthusiasts.
Montecristo, another legendary name, was established in the 1930s and quickly gained a reputation for its balanced flavor and consistent quality. The brand’s iconic logo and rich history make it a favorite among both novice smokers and seasoned aficionados.
Romeo y Julieta, with its romantic name and storied past, has been a beloved brand since the 1870s. Known for its smooth and flavorful cigars, Romeo y Julieta continues to captivate smokers around the world.
The cigar industry has evolved significantly over the years, influenced by globalization, trade agreements, and technological advancements. These changes have led to the rise of new brands and innovative manufacturing techniques, expanding the range of options available to cigar enthusiasts.
In this section, we will delve into the history of these iconic brands and explore the factors that have shaped the modern cigar industry. From the traditional methods of the past to the cutting-edge techniques of today, the history of cigar brands is a fascinating journey through time.
Classic Cigar Brands
Classic cigar brands have a legacy that is deeply intertwined with the history of cigar making itself. These cigar brand have not only set benchmarks in quality and craftsmanship but have also significantly influenced the cigar industry over time. From pioneers who migrated from Cuba and established new roots in Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic, these brands showcase the evolution of the cigar industry and its enduring appeal. A well-curated cigar collection often features these timeless classics, highlighting their rich heritage and exceptional quality.
Let’s explore some of the most iconic names in the cigar world. These brands, admired by aficionados, blend tradition, quality, and innovation to captivate enthusiasts.
Arturo Fuente
Arturo Fuente is a name that resonates deeply within the cigar community. Recently celebrating its 110th anniversary, Arturo Fuente marked this milestone with the ‘From Dream to Dynasty Collection.’ This collection not only includes rare cigars but also a book detailing the brand’s rich history, underscoring the heritage and exceptional quality of Arturo Fuente cigars. Their extensive cigar collection showcases the brand's dedication to variety and richness.
One of their most beloved offerings is the Short Story, which is renowned for its distinct flavor profile. This cigar combines a Cameroon wrapper with Dominican tobaccos, creating a taste that is both unique and memorable.
Arturo Fuente represents the pinnacle of premium cigars, embodying the artistry and passion in every arturo fuente cigar.
Padron cigars are synonymous with aged tobacco and deep, complex flavors. Their maduro versions are particularly noted for rich notes of cocoa and coffee, while the natural wrappers offer earthy cedar and spice. This combination of flavors, along with their consistent construction, has made Padron a favorite among cigar enthusiasts.
What sets Padron apart is their commitment to aging their tobaccos for a minimum of two and a half years, resulting in a refined smoking experience. Known for their loose draw, Padron cigars provide large amounts of flavorful smoke, enhancing the overall enjoyment. Adding Padron cigars to your cigar collection ensures a diverse and high-quality selection.
Plasencia Cigars
Plasencia Cigars boasts a history that dates back to 1865, now spanning five generations. As the largest tobacco grower globally, Plasencia employs over 6,000 individuals across multiple facilities, producing more than 40 million cigars annually.
Their flagship line, Alma Fuerte, is a testament to their expertise, featuring a blend of high-quality, aged Nicaraguan tobaccos that provide a robust and flavorful smoking experience. Plasencia’s dedication to quality is further evident in their handmade cigars, utilizing 100% Nicaraguan tobacco for their blends. This commitment is reflected in their extensive cigar collection, offering a variety of options for enthusiasts.
Cohiba Cigars made in Dominican Republic
Cohiba is a name that has become synonymous with luxury and premium cigars since its inception in the 1960s. The brand’s name originates from the Taino language, referring to tobacco, and it has lived up to this prestigious reputation ever since.
Cohiba features several popular lines, including the Cohiba Red Dot and Cohiba Black, each offering distinct flavor profiles and construction qualities. The brand’s signature line includes limited editions that are highly sought after by cigar enthusiasts, making Cohiba a staple in any premium cigar collection.
Montecristo Cigars handmade Dominican and Nicaraguan
Montecristo is another giant in the cigar industry, with a history dating back to the 1930s. The brand has become synonymous with premium cigar craftsmanship, celebrated for its consistent quality and balanced flavor.
Montecristo cigars are widely regarded as some of the finest in the world, appealing to both novice smokers and seasoned aficionados. Their rich history and dedication to excellence make Montecristo a must-try for anyone looking to experience top-tier cigars. Adding Montecristo to your cigar collection can enhance your appreciation for premium cigars.
La Aroma de Cuba
La Aroma de Cuba has a storied history, originating in the late 1800s in Cuba and gaining popularity with figures like Winston Churchill. Revived in the early 2000s, La Aroma de Cuba cigars are now crafted by the Garcia family in Estelí, Nicaragua.
These cigars are meticulously handcrafted, with high quality tobacco leaves aged for several years to achieve optimal flavor. After rolling, they undergo additional aging in a cedar environment, enhancing their flavor and aroma. The result is a premium cigar that reflects the attention to detail and precision of its makers, producing great cigars. La Aroma de Cuba offers a diverse cigar collection that caters to various tastes and preferences.
My Father Cigars
Founded in 2003 by the Garcia family in Little Havana, My Father Cigars quickly rose to prominence due to their unwavering commitment to quality and craftsmanship. This brand exemplifies the dedication and passion that goes into premium cigar making, making it a favorite among enthusiasts. Their extensive cigar collection showcases a variety of rich and unique offerings.
Oliva cigars are celebrated for their exceptional quality and meticulous craftsmanship. Known for their diverse flavor profiles, Oliva offers a range of complex tastes that cater to connoisseurs. Each cigar is hand-rolled to ensure consistency, making Oliva a reliable choice for a premium smoking experience. Their extensive cigar collection showcases the brand's dedication to variety and richness.
Ashton cigars are renowned for their smooth smoking experience, making them an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced smokers. The creamy texture and balanced flavors of Ashton cigars appeal to a wide range of enthusiasts, ensuring a satisfying smoke every time. Their diverse cigar collection offers something for every aficionado.
AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ Fernandez’s journey in the cigar industry began in Cuba at the age of 13, learning the craft from his father and grandfather. After moving to Nicaragua in 2003, he initially produced cigars for other brands before launching his own lines, starting with the San Lotano brand in 2010, which earned high ratings.
Today, AJ Fernandez operates one of Nicaragua’s largest premium cigar factories, producing over 100,000 cigars daily. His cigars, such as the Enclave and New World series, showcase complex flavor profiles that appeal to a wide range of cigar enthusiasts. His extensive cigar collection highlights the diversity and richness of his offerings.
Premium Cigars to Try
Indulging in premium cigars? Plasencia is renowned for exclusive blends epitomizing luxury and quality. Opus X Cigars’ meticulous production, using select region’s exclusive tobacco, ensures a premium experience.
Other notable mentions include La Flor Dominicana, celebrated for its consistent quality and complex flavor profiles, and Montecristo, a top choice among cigar enthusiasts for its balanced flavor and consistency. Cohiba cigars, with their rich flavor profiles and exceptional quality, and La Aroma de Cuba, known for their meticulous blending and aging processes, also deserve a spot in any premium cigar collection.
Best Handmade Cigars
Handmade cigars represent the pinnacle of artisanal craftsmanship, offering superior tobacco blending and a refined smoking experience. Arturo Fuente is particularly known for its meticulous craftsmanship and high-quality tobacco, solidifying its esteemed reputation among cigar aficionados and cigar aficionado.
Handmade cigars are recognized for superior craftsmanship and flavor profiles, making them must-try options. Artisanal craftsmanship in cigars like Arturo Fuente highlights their premium status. Adding these to your cigar collection can enhance your appreciation for the variety and richness of handmade options.
Top Cigarillos for Quick Smokes
Prefer shorter smoking sessions without sacrificing quality? Davidoff Cigarillos are perfect for a quick, satisfying smoke. Arturo Fuente Cigarillos also offer a compact yet flavorful experience, ideal for quick smokes.
Romeo y Julieta Cigarillos are convenient and satisfying, ideal for those on the go. Macanudo Cigarillos deliver a mild taste and smooth experience, perfect for quick enjoyment. These options can be a great addition to any cigar collection.
Popular Cigars from Different Regions
Cigars from various regions offer distinct qualities that reflect their growing conditions. Nicaraguan, Honduran, and Dominican cigars each bring unique flavor profiles and strengths that cater to different preferences. Nicaraguan cigars feature complex flavors, often earthy and spicy, thanks to the rich volcanic soil. A well-curated cigar collection can showcase the diversity and richness of these regional options.
Honduran and Dominican cigars also offer unique profiles shaped by their respective growing conditions and traditions.
Nicaraguan Cigars
Nicaraguan cigars are often characterized by their full-bodied strength and rich, bold flavors. They frequently feature a rich, peppery profile, contributing to their robust taste.
The strength and complexity of Nicaraguan cigars make them a favorite among those who appreciate a strong, flavorful smoke. Their distinctive characteristics are a result of the rich volcanic soil in which the tobacco is grown. These unique qualities make Nicaraguan cigars a valuable addition to any cigar collection.
Honduran Cigars
Honduran cigars typically offer a rich and complex flavor experience, often characterized by a natural sweetness and hints of cocoa. The flavor profile of Honduran cigars can include earthy, spicy, and woody notes, depending on the specific tobacco blend used.
These cigars are known for their distinctive use of Connecticut Shade and Corojo Shade tobaccos, as well as a notable indigenous tobacco called Copaneco. Honduran cigars uniquely combine robust strength with a creamy texture, appealing to those who enjoy a well-balanced smoking experience. Adding these to your cigar collection can enhance the variety and richness of your options.
Dominican Cigars
Dominican cigars are favored for their smoothness, often delivering a mild to medium-bodied smoke with complex flavor notes. Many Dominican cigars blend various types of tobacco to achieve a balance of flavors, often resulting in a sweeter finish.
The smooth smoke and layered flavors of Dominican cigars appeal to both new and experienced smokers. The Dominican Republic is recognized for producing well-balanced cigars, appealing to a wide range of enthusiasts. These qualities make them a valuable addition to any cigar collection.
Cigar Industry Awards and Recognition
The cigar industry is known for its prestigious awards and recognition programs, which celebrate excellence in cigar-making, innovation, and customer service. These accolades not only honor the craftsmanship and dedication of cigar makers but also guide enthusiasts in discovering top-quality cigars.
One of the most notable awards in the industry is the International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers Association (IPCPR) Awards. These awards recognize outstanding achievements in various categories, including Best New Product, Best Cigar Lounge, and Best Customer Service. Winning an IPCPR Award is a mark of distinction that highlights a brand’s commitment to excellence.
The Cigar Aficionado Awards are another prestigious recognition program, celebrating the best cigars and cigar makers in the world. Each year, Cigar Aficionado magazine publishes its Top 25 Cigars list, which is eagerly anticipated by enthusiasts. This list features a range of cigars, from well-known brands to hidden gems, providing a valuable resource for those looking to explore new options.
The Cigar Journal Awards also play a significant role in the industry, honoring exceptional cigars and brands. These awards are based on blind tastings conducted by a panel of experts, ensuring an unbiased evaluation of each cigar’s quality and flavor.
In recent years, brands like Arturo Fuente, Padron, and My Father Cigars have received numerous accolades, solidifying their status as leaders in the industry. These awards not only recognize the skill and dedication of the cigar makers but also help consumers make informed choices when selecting premium cigars.
In this section, we will highlight some of the top-rated cigar brands and products that have received accolades in recent years. Whether you are looking for a new favorite or simply want to explore the best the industry has to offer, these award-winning cigars are sure to impress.
Factors to Consider When Buying Cigars
Considering the brand’s reputation is crucial when purchasing cigars, as it often indicates quality and consistency. Brands like My Father Cigars, known for meticulous production and commitment to quality, exemplify the importance of reputable manufacturers. A well-curated cigar collection can offer a diverse and rich smoking experience.
Other factors to consider include the cigar’s flavor profile, strength, and construction. High-quality, appropriately aged tobaccos significantly impact the smoking experience. Prices vary, so finding a balance between quality and affordability is important.
In summary, the world of cigars is rich and diverse, offering something for every enthusiast. From classic brands like Arturo Fuente and Padron to premium selections that promise unparalleled smoking experiences, the choices are vast and varied. Understanding the intricacies of ring gauge and length, as well as the factors to consider when purchasing cigars, can enhance your appreciation and enjoyment. A well-curated cigar collection can further enrich your experience.
Whether you are a seasoned cigar aficionado or a curious newcomer, this guide provides a comprehensive look at the top cigar brands and what makes them exceptional. Embrace the journey, savor each smoke, and continue exploring the nuanced world of cigars.
- 1502 Black Gold
- 1502 Blue Sapphire
- 1502 Emerald
- 1502 Nicaragua
- 1502 Ruby
- 1502 XO
- 601 Blue Maduro
- 601 Green Oscuro
- 601 La Bomba
- 601 Red Habano
- 7-20-4 1874 Series
- 7-20-4 Factory 57 Series
- 7-20-4 Hustler Series
- 7-20-4 Original
- 7-20-4 WK Series
- ACE Prime | Fiat Lux Insight
- ACE Prime | Luciano Meirelles
- Animal con Ropa
- Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario Corojo
- Aganorsa Leaf Aniversario Maduro
- Aganorsa Leaf Arsenio Serie Oro
- Aganorsa Leaf Connecticut
- Aganorsa Leaf Corojo
- Aganorsa Leaf Habano
- Aganorsa Leaf Maduro
- Aganorsa Leaf Miami
- Aganorsa Leaf Nicaragua Cigars
- Aganorsa Leaf Reserva Corojo
- Aganorsa Leaf Reserva Maduro
- Aganorsa Leaf Supreme Leaf
- Aganorsa Leaf Signature Selection
- Aganorsa Leaf Signature Selection Maduro
- Aganorsa Leaf Validacion Connecticut
- Aganorsa Leaf Validacion Habano
- Aging Room Bin No. 2
- Aging Room Core Connecticut
- Aging Room Core Habano
- Aging Room Core Maduro
- Aging Room La Boheme
- Aging Room Pura Cepa
- Aging Room Rare Collection
- Aging Room Quattro Connecticut
- Aging Room Quattro Maduro
- Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua
- Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua Sonata
- Aging Room Quattro Original
- Aging Room Small Batch Pelo de Oro
- Aging Room Solera Corojo Red
- Aging Room Solera Mexican White
- Aging Room Solera Shade Orange
- Aging Room Solera Sun Grown Yellow
- AJF Bellas Artes by AJ Fernandez
- AJF Bellas Artes Maduro
- AJF Dias de Gloria by AJ Fernandez
- AJF Dias de Gloria Brazil
- AJF Enclave Broadleaf by AJ Fernandez
- AJF Enclave Habano by AJ Fernandez
- AJF Last Call Maduro
- AJF Last Call Natural
- AJ Fernandez New World Dorado
- AJF New World By AJ Fernandez
- AJF New World Puro Especial
- AJF New World Cameroon
- AJF New World Connecticut
- AJF Ramon Allones by AJ Fernandez
- AJF San Lotano Requiem Connecticut
- AJF San Lotano Requiem Habano
- AJF San Lotano Requiem Maduro
- AJF San Lotano The Bull
- AJF Viva La Vida
- Alec & Bradley Blind Faith
- Alec Bradley Fine & Rare
- Alec & Bradley Kintsugi
- Alec & Bradley Gatekeeper
- Alec Bradley Safe Keepings
- Alec Bradley American Classic Blend
- Alec Bradley American Sun Grown
- Alec Bradley Black Market
- Alec Bradley Black Market Esteli
- Alec Bradley Connecticut
- Alec Bradley Coyol
- Alec Bradley Double Broadleaf
- Alec Bradley The Lineage 1996
- Alec Bradley Magic Toast
- Alec Bradley MAXX
- Alec Bradley MAXX Traditional
- Alec Bradley Mundial Punta Lanza
- Alec Bradley Prensado
- Alec Bradley Project 40
- Alec Bradley Prensado Lost Art
- Alec Bradley Raices Cubanas
- Alec Bradley Sanctum
- Alec Bradley Tempus
- Alec Bradley Trilogy
- Alec Bradley Tempus Nicaragua
- Alec Bradley Texas Lancero
- Alec Bradley VICE Press
- Altadis USA Cigars
- Arturo Fuente Aged Selection Cigars
- Arturo Fuente Chateau Fuente
- Arturo Fuente Don Carlos
- Arturo Fuente Especiales
- Arturo Fuente Gran Reserva
- Arturo Fuente Hemingway Cigars
- Arturo Fuente Rosado Sungrown Magnum R
- Arturo Fuente Casa Cuba
- Arturo Fuente Anejo
- Arturo Fuente Casa Fuente
- Arturo Fuente Don Arturo AnniverXario Cigars
- Arturo Fuente Rare Pink
- Arturo Fuente Forbidden X
- Arturo Fuente Fuente OpusX Oro Oscuro
- Arturo Fuente Fuente OpusX Angel's Share
- Arturo Fuente Fuente Opus X
- Arturo Fuente Fuente Opus X 20th Anniversary
- Arturo Fuente Fuente Opus X 22 Prometheus
- Arturo Fuente FFOpusX Lost City
- Arturo Fuente Don Carlos Edicion de Aniversario
- Ashton Cigars | The Complete guide
- Ashton Aged Maduro
- Ashton Cabinet Selection
- Ashton Classic
- Ashton Estate Sun Grown
- Ashton Heritage Puro Sol
- Ashton Symmetry
- Ashton Virgin Sun Grown
- Asylum 13 Nicaragua
- Asylum 13 Connecticut
- Asylum 13 Corojo
- Asylum 13 The Ogre
- Asylum Eight
- Asylum Insidious
- Asylum Nyctophilia
- Asylum PCA Exclusive
- Asylum Premium
- Asylum Schizo
- Asylum Straight Jacket
- AVO Classic Maduro
- Avo Classic Series
- Avo Heritage
- AVO Syncro Nicaragua
- AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata
- AVO Syncro South America Ritmo
- Avo XO
- AVO 30 Years LE
- Azan by Roberto P. Duran
- AZUCAR By Espinosa
- Baccarat The Game
- Back2Back Connecticut
- Back2Back Nicaragua
- Blanco Cigars
- Bolivar Cofradia
- Bolivar Cofradia Lost & Found
- Brick House Classic
- Brick House Double Connecticut
- Brick House Maduro
- Caldwell All Out Kings Cigars
- Caldwell Blind Man's Bluff
- Caldwell Blind Man's Bluff Connecticut
- Caldwell Collection Eastern Standard
- Caldwell Collection The King is Dead
- Caldwell Collection The King is Dead Escape Plan
- Caldwell Collection Long Live the King
- Caldwell Long Live The King By AJ Fernandez
- Caldwell Iberian Express Murcias Especial
- Caldwell Iberian Express Sevillana Reserva
- Caldwell Iberian Express Gibraltar Extra
- Caldwell Lost and Found
- Camacho American Barrel Aged
- Camacho Broadleaf
- Camacho Connecticut
- Camacho Corojo Natural
- Camacho Criollo
- Camacho Coyolar
- Camacho Ecuador
- Camacho Nicaraguan Barrel-Aged
- Camacho Nicaragua
- Camacho Liberty Series LTD
- Camacho Triple Maduro
- CAO Bones
- CAO Arcana Limite Editions Cigars
- CAO Flathead Cameroon Cigars
- CAO Flathead Steel Horse
- CAO Maduro
- CAO Pilon
- Casa Turrent Serie 1901
- Casa 1910 Cavalry Edition
- Casa 1910 Revolutionary Edition
- Casa de Garcia Connecticut
- Casa de Garcia Maduro
- Casa de Garcia Nicaraguan
- Casa de Garcia Red
- Casa de Garcia Sumatra
- Charter Oak by Foundation
- Charter Oak Habano
- Charter Oak Connecticut Shade
- Charter Oak Connecticut Broadleaf
- Chillin' Moose Bull Moose
- CLE Azabache
- CLE 25th Anniversary Cigars
- CLE Chele Nicaragua
- CLE Connecticut
- CLE Corojo
- CLE Habano Honduran
- CLE Prieto Nicaragua
- CLE Signature Series
- Cohiba Red Dot
- Cohiba Black
- Cohiba Blue Clasico
- Cohiba Comador
- Cohiba Connecticut
- Cohiba Macassar
- Cohiba Nicaragua
- Cohiba Royale
- Cohiba Riviera
- Crowned Heads Court Reserve XVIII
- Crowned Heads Four Kicks Maduro
- Crowned Heads J.D. Howard Reserve
- Crowned Heads Jericho Hill
- Crowned Heads Juarez Cigars
- Crowned Heads La Coalicion
- Crowned Heads La Imperiosa
- Crowned Heads Las Calaveras Limited Edition
- Crowned Heads Luminosa
- Crowned Heads Le Careme
- Crowned Heads Le Patissier
- Crowned Heads Mil Dias
- Crowned Heads OFC Bosphorus
- Cuban Rejects Classic
- Cuban Selection
- Cuenca 5 Anniversary
- Cuenca Cigars
- Cuenca Happy
- D'Crossier Golden Blend Reserva
- Davidoff Cigarillos
- D'Crossier Golden Blend Refinados
- D'crossier Pennsylvania Avenue
- De los Reyes Don Julio Punta Espada
- De Los Reyes Saga Golden Age
- De Los Reyes Saga Blend # 7
- De Los Reyes Saga Short Tales
- De los Reyes Saga Solaz
- Deadwood Tobacco Co
- Debonaire Day Break
- Debonaire Habano
- Debonaire Maduro
- Diamond Crown
- Diamond Crown Black
- Diamond Crown Julius Caeser
- Diamond Crown Maximus
- Diesel Esteli Puro
- Diesel Fool's Errand
- Diesel Limited Edition Collections
- Diesel Sunday Gravy
- Diesel Whiskey Row
- Diesel Whiskey Row Sherry Cask
- Don Diego by Altadis
- Dona Lydia by Excelsior
- Dona Nieves
- Dona Nieves Gran Reserva Cigars
- Dona Nieves Sentimiento
- Drew Estate Sales Event
- Drew Estate 20 Acre Farm
- Drew Estate BOTL
- Drew Estate Blackened M81
- Drew Estate Blackened S84 Shade to Black
- Drew Estate Acid Cigars
- Drew Estate Florida Sun Grown
- Drew Estate Herrera Cigars
- Drew Estate Herrera Esteli Habano
- Drew Estate Herrera Esteli Brazilian
- Drew Estate Herrera Esteli Miami
- Drew Estate Herrera Esteli Norteno
- Drew Estate Liga Privada Cigars
- Drew Estate Rare Stuff Liga Privada H99
- Drew Estate Liga Privada No 9
- Drew Estate Liga Privada T52
- Drew Estate Liga Privada Unico Serie
- Drew Estate Kentucky Fire Cured MUWAT
- Drew Estate Larutan
- Drew Estate MUWAT Genuine Brand
- Drew Estate Nica Rustica
- Drew Estate Nica Rustica Adobe
- Drew Estate Subculture
- Drew Estate Tabak Especial
- Drew Estate Undercrown Maduro
- Drew Estate Pappy Van Winkle Barrel Fermented
- Drew Estate Undercrown UC10
- Drew Estate Undercrown Shade
- Drew Estate Undercrown Sun Grown
- Dunbarton Tobacco Muestra de Saka
- Dunbarton Tobacco Sin Compromiso
- Dunbarton Tobacco Sobremesa
- Dunbarton Tobacco Sobremesa Brûlée
- Dunbarton Tobacco Todos los Dias
- Dunbarton Tobacco Mi Querida
- Dunbarton Tobacco Umbagog
- E.P. Carrillo Allegiance Nicaragua
- E.P. Carrillo Aura Shengxiao Cigars
- E.P. Carrillo Encore
- E.P. Carrillo Honduras
- E.P. Carrillo La Historia
- E.P. Carrillo Pledge
- E.P. Carrillo INCH Maduro and Natural
- E.P. Carrillo INCH Nicaragua
- E.P. Carrillo INCH Maduro
- E.P. Carrillo INCH Natural
- E.P. Carrillo New Wave Connecticut
- Edgar Hoill EH
- Edgar Hoill OG OSOK
- Edgar Hoill OSOK
- EIROA Classic
- Eiroa Jamastran
- EIROA CBT Maduro
- Eiroa Dark Natural
- Eiroa PCA Exclusive
- EIROA The First 20 Years
- Eiroa The First 20 Years Colorado
- El Baton
- El Galan Bundles
- El Galan Maduro
- El Galan Mini Campestre
- El Galan Natural Semilla Cubana
- El Galan Reserva Especial Connecticut
- El Galan Reserva Especial Habano
- El Gueguense The Wise Man
- El Reloj
- Espinosa Alpha Dawg
- Espinosa Crema
- Espinosa Especial
- Espinosa Habano
- Espinosa Las 6 Provincias
- Espinosa Maduro
- Espinosa Reggae
- Espinosa Reggae Dread
- Flavors and Cigarillos
- Flor de D'Crossier Selection 512
- Flor de D’Crossier Seleccion Escogida Lumina
- Flor de Castillo Edición Limitada BK Series
- Flor Corojo
- Flor de Oliva Corojo
- Flor de Oliva
- Flor de Oliva Giants
- Flor de Oliva Maduro
- Four Kicks By Crowned Heads
- Frank Herrera Biography
- Fratello
- Fuera de Serie Cigars
- General Cigars Company
- Gift Sets
- Gispert Intenso AJ Fernandez
- God of Fire Angelenos Cigars
- God of Fire by Carlito
- God of Fire by Don Carlos
- God of Fire KKP Special Reserve
- God of Fire Serie Anniversario
- God of Fire Serie B
- Griffins Classic Series
- Griffins Maduro Series
- Griffins Nicaragua
- Grupo de Maestros
- Gurkha Cigars All
- Gurkha 125th Anniversary
- Gurkha Castle Hall Dominican
- Gurkha Castle Hall Nicaraguan
- Gurkha Cellar Reserve 21 year
- Gurkha Nicaraguan Series
- Gurkha Revenant
- Gurkha San Miguel
- Gurkha Treinta
- Gurkha Cellar Reserva Edicion Especial
- Gurkha Cellar Reserva Limitada
- Gurkha Cellar Reserve Platinum
- Gurkha Cellar Reserve
- Gurkha Heritage
- Gurkha Ghost
- Gurkha Grand Reserve
- Gurkha Royal Challenge
- Gurkha Royal Challenge Maduro
- Handmade Cigars
- H Upmann 175th Anniversary
- H Upmann 1844 Reserve
- H Upmann 1844 Anejo
- H Upmann by AJ Fernandez
- H Upmann Connecticut
- H Upmann Herman'S Batch
- H Upmann Hispaniola By Jose Mendez
- H Upmann Nicaragua AJ Fernandez Heritage
- H Upmann The Banker
- H Upmann Vintage Cameroon
- Hammer & Sickle Tradicion Series
- Headley Grange By Crowned Heads
- Henry Clay
- Henry Clay Stalk Cut
- Henry Clay Tattoo
- Henry Clay War Hawk
- Highclere Castle
- Highclere Castle Victorian
- Hit And Run by Caldwell
- Hot of the Press
- HVC Havana City Seleccion No.1 Maduro
- HVC Havana City Seleccion No.1 Habano
- HVC Vieja Cosecha No 2
- Hoyo de Monterrey Oscuro
- Hoyo de Monterrey Rojo
- Hoyo de Monterrey Black
- Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure Seleccion
- Hoyo La Amistad By A.J. Fernandez
- Hoyo La Amistad Black
- Hoyo La Amistad Dark Sumatra
- HR Blue
- HR Claro
- HR Habano 2000
- Illusione Allegria
- Illusione
- Illusione Classic Cruzado
- Illusione 'Original Documents'
- Illusione Candela
- Illusione Cigares Prive Corojo
- Illusione Cigares Prive SA Maduro
- Illusione Cuchillos Cubanos
- Illusione Cruzado
- Illusione eccj
- Illusione Epernay Serie 2009
- Illusione Fume d'Amour
- Illusione Garagiste
- Illusione Gigantes
- Illusione Haut 10
- Illusione Maduro
- Illusione OneOff
- Illusione Singulare
- Illusione Slam Bench Pressed
- Illusione Rothchildes
- Illusione Ultra
- Indian Motorcycle
- J Fuego Edicion Familia
- JFR Connecticut
- JFR Corojo
- JFR Maduro
- JFR XT Corojo
- JFR XT Maduro
- JRE Aladino
- JRE Aladino Cameroon
- JRE Cigars
- JRE Aladino Connecticut
- JRE Aladino Corojo Reserva
- JRE Aladino Maduro
- JRE Aladino Vintage Selection
- JRE Rancho Luna Grandes
- JRE Rancho Luna Habano
- JRE Rancho Luna Maduro
- JRE Tatascan Connecticut
- JRE Tatascan Habano
- Joya De Nicaragua Antano 1970
- Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Gran Reserva
- Joya de Nicaragua Antano Connecticut
- Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo
- Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta
- Joya de Nicaragua Cinco Decadas
- Joya de Nicaragua Clasico Original
- Joya de Nicaragua Cinco Cinco
- Joya de Nicaragua Cuatro Cinco
- Joya de Nicaragua Black
- Joya de Nicaragua Numero Uno
- Joya de Nicaragua Red
- Joya de Nicaragua Silver
- Juan Lopez
- K by Karen Berger Cameroon
- K by Karen Berger Connecticut
- K by Karen Berger Habano
- K By Karen Berger Maduro
- Knuckle Sandwich Habano by Espinosa
- Knuckle Sandwich Maduro by Espinosa
- Knuckle Sandwich Connecticut by Espinosa
- La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial
- La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut
- La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor
- La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Reserva
- La Aroma de Cuba Original
- La Aroma de Cuba Noblesse Limited Edition
- La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Cigars
- La Aurora Cien Anos
- La Aurora Double Barrel Aged
- La Aurora Preferidos Diamond
- La Aurora Preferidos Emerald
- La Aurora Preferidos Gold
- La Aurora Preferidos Platinum
- La Aurora Preferidos Ruby
- La Aurora Preferidos Sapphire
- La Flor Dominican In Stock Right Now
- La Flor Dominicana 1994
- La Flor Dominicana 2000 Series
- La Flor Dominicana AirBender
- La Flor Dominicana Andalusian Bull
- La Flor Dominicana Cameroon Cabinets
- La Flor Dominicana Sampler Selections
- La Flor Dominicana Coronado
- La Flor Dominicana Chapter Series
- La Flor Dominicana Double Claro
- La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero Cigars
- La Flor Dominicana La Nox
- La Flor Dominicana La Volcada
- La Flor Dominicana Ligero Cabinet Oscuro
- La Flor Dominicana Ligero
- La Flor Dominicana Limited Production
- La Flor Dominicana Litto Gomez Diez
- La Flor Dominicana Oro Tubo
- La Flor Dominicana Reserva Especial
- La Flor Dominicana Solis
- La Flor Dominicana Suave
- La Flor Dominicana Suave Grand Maduro
- La Galera 1936 Box Pressed
- La Galera Anemoi
- La Galera Connecticut
- La Galera Gift Packs
- La Galera Habano
- La Galera Limited Edition
- La Galera Maduro
- La Galera Tubos
- La Gloria Cubana Artesanos de Tabaqueros
- La Gloria Cubana Artesanos Retro Especiale
- La Gloria Cubana Cigars
- La Gloria Cubana Coleccion Reserva
- La Gloria Cubana Esteli
- La Gloria Cubana Medio Tiempo
- La Gloria Cubana Limited Editions
- La Gloria Cubana Serie N
- La Gloria Cubana Spanish Press
- La Gloria Cubana Serie R
- La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli
- La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli Maduro
- La Gloria Cubana Serie S
- La Gran Llave By A.J Fernandez
- La Palina Black Label
- La Palina Blue Label
- La Palina Bronze Label
- La Palina Double Digit
- La Palina Silver Label
- La Palina Classic
- La Palina Classic Connecticut
- La Palina Classic Maduro
- La Palina Classic Rosado
- La Palina El Ano 1896 Oscuro
- La Palina El Diario
- La Palina Family Series
- La Palina Fuego Verde
- La Palina Illumination
- La Palina LPC Mr Sam
- La Palina Nicaragua Oscuro
- La Palina Nicaragua Connecticut
- La Palina Red Label
- La Zona by Espinosa Cigars
- Lars Tetens Cubagua
- Lars Tetens Grass
- Lars Tetens Phat
- Lars Tetens Serie D
- Lars Tetens SS
- Lars Tetens Steam Punk
- Lars Tetens Sutton Place
- Las Calaveras Edicion Limitada
- Las Calaveras Edicion Limitada 2017
- Las Calaveras Edicion Limitada 2018
- Las Calaveras Edicion Limitada 2019
- Las Calaveras Edicion Limitada 2022
- Las Calaveras Edicion Limitada 2023
- Laranja Reserva
- Laranja Reserva Azulejo
- Laranja Reserva Oscuro
- Lord of England Maduro
- Lord of England Connecticut
- Los Statos Deluxe
- Lunatic Corojo Torch
- Lunatic Habano
- Lunatic Maduro
- Lunatic Perfecto
- Macanudo 1968
- Macanudo Cafe
- Macanudo Cru Royale
- Macanudo Estate Reserve Flint Knoll
- Macanudo Gold Label
- Macanudo Inspirado Black
- Macanudo Inspirado Jamao
- Macanudo Inspirado Green
- Macanudo Inspirado Orange
- Macanudo Inspirado Red
- Macanudo Inspirado White
- Macanudo M Bourbon by Macanudo
- Macanudo M by Macanudo
- Macanudo Maduro
- Macanudo Mao
- Macanudo Robusto
- Macanudo Vintage 2000
- Macanudo Vintage 2006
- Macanudo Vintage Maduro 97
- Matilde 1876 Oscura
- Matilde 1876 Quadrata
- Matilde 1876 Renacer
- Maya Selva Cumpay
- Maya Selva Flor de Selva
- Maya Flor de Selva Colección Aniversario Nº20
- Maya Selva Villa Zamorano Reserva
- Maya Selva Villa Zamorano Classic Collection
- Micallef Connecticut
- Micallef Experiencia
- Micallef Herencia
- Micallef Migdalia
- Micallef Leyenda
- Micallef Reata
- Micallef Reserva LI Privada
- Micallef Torcedores
- Micallef Gomez Sanchez
- Micallef Grande Bold Ligero
- Micallef Grande Bold Maduro
- Micallef Grande Bold Mata Fina
- Micallef Grande Bold Nicaragua
- Micallef Grande Bold Sumatra
- MLB David P Ehrlich
- MLB Imperia
- MLB Imperia Aventador
- MLB Imperia Islero
- Montecristo
- Montecristo On Sale Now
- Monte By Montecristo
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- Montecristo Classic Collection
- Montecristo Connoisseur Edition
- Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua
- Montecristo Epic
- Montecristo Epic Vintage 2012
- Montecristo Espada
- Montecristo Espada Oscuro
- Montecristo Nicaragua by AJ Fernandez
- Montecristo Original
- Montecristo Platinum
- Montecristo White
- Montesino
- Murcielago
- Murcielago Crafted AJF
- My Father Cigars all you need to know
- My Father
- My Father Connecticut
- My Father Don Pepin Garcia Blue
- My Father Don Pepin Garcia Cuban Classic
- My Father Don Pepin Garcia Serie JJ
- My Father Don Pepin Vintage Edition
- My Father El Centurion
- My Father El Centurion H-2K-CT
- My Father Fonseca Cigars
- My Father Flor de las Antillas
- My Father Flor de las Antillas Maduro
- My Father Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial
- My Father Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Sucesor
- My Father La Antiguedad
- My Father La Duena
- My Father La Gran Oferta
- My Father La Opulencia
- My Father La Promesa
- My Father Le Bijou 1922
- My Father MF The Judge
- My Father Tabacos Baez Serie SF
- My Father Vegas Cubanas
- Nestor Miranda
- Neya Classic by Roberto P. Duran
- Neya F-8 by Roberto P. Duran
- Nicatabaco Factory Blend No. 2
- Nirvana Cameroon Selection
- Oliva Gilberto Oliva Reserva Blanc
- Olmec by Foundation Cigars
- Oliva Gilberto Oliva Reserva Indonesia
- Oliva Nub Cafe Espresso
- Oliva Nub Cafe Macchiato
- Oliva Nub Cafe Cappuccino
- Oliva Cain Daytona
- Oliva Cain F
- Oliva Cain Habano
- Oliva Cain NUB
- Oliva Cain Maduro
- Oliva Connecticut Reserve
- Oliva Master Blend 3
- Oliva NUB Habano
- Oliva NUB Cameroon
- Oliva NUB Connecticut
- Oliva NUB Maduro
- Oliva Serie G
- Oliva Serie G Maduro
- Oliva Serie O
- Oliva Serie O Maduro
- Oliva Serie V
- Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro
- Oliva Serie V Melanio Natural
- Oliveros All Stars
- Oliveros Gran Retorno Connecticut
- Oliveros Gran Retorno Habano
- Oliveros Gran Retorno Maduro
- Omar Ortez
- On Sale
- Onyx Bold Nicaragua
- Onyx Vintage Nicaragua
- Oscar Valladares 2012 Cigars
- Oscar Valladares 10th Anniversary
- Oscar Valladares Leaf by Oscar and Island Jim
- Oscar Valladares My Way by Bayron Duarte
- Oscar Valladares McFly
- Oscar Valladares Rosalila
- Oscar Valladares Super Fly Connecticut
- Oscar Valladares Super Fly Maduro
- Oscar Valladares The Oscar Habano
- Oscar Valladares The Oscar Maduro
- Ozgener Family Cigars
- Padron 1926 Serie
- Padron 1964 Anniversary Series
- Padron Damaso
- Padron Family Reserve
- Padron Series
- Pappy Van Winkle Tradition
- Partagas 160 Signature Series
- Partagas Anejo
- Partagas 1845
- Partagas 1845 Extra Fuerte
- Partagas 1845 Extra Oscuro
- Partagas Benji Master
- Partagas Black Label
- Partagas Cifuentes
- Partagas Cortado
- Partagas
- Partagas Heritage NB
- Partagas Legend
- Partagas Limited Reserve Decades
- Partagas Ramon y Ramon
- Partagas Serie S
- Partagas Spanish Rosado
- PDR 1878 Cubano Especial Capa Madura
- PDR 1878 Cubano Especial Capa Natural
- PDR 1878 Reserva Dominicana Capa Habana
- PDR 1878 Reserva Dominicana Capa Oscura
- PDR A Flores 1975 Serie Privada
- PDR AF Gran Reserva Corojo
- PDR AF Gran Reserva Desflorado
- PDR AF Gran Reserva Maduro
- PDR AF Gran Reserva Sungrown
- PDR AFR-75
- PDR AFR-75 San Andres Claro
- PDR CVR Blue
- PDR CVR Maduro
- PDR El Criollito Rosado
- PDR El Trovador Maduro
- PDR El Trovador Rosado
- PDR Flores y Rodriguez 10th Anniversary
- PDR Small Batch Reserve Habano
- PDR Small Batch Reserve Maduro
- Perdomo Nick Sticks Little Havana Blend
- Perdomo Lot 23 Connecticut
- Perdomo Lot 23 Sungrown
- Perdomo Lot 23 Maduro
- Perdomo Inmenso Maduro
- Perdomo Inmenso Sungrown
- Perdomo Small Batch Series
- Perdomo 20th Anniversary Connecticut
- Perdomo 20th Anniversary Maduro
- Perdomo 20th Anniversary Sun Grown
- Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Connecticut
- Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Maduro
- Perdomo Reserve 10th Anniversary Sungrown
- Perdomo Estate Seleccion Vintage Connecticut
- Perdomo Estate Seleccion Vintage Maduro
- Perdomo Estate Seleccion Vintage Sungrown
- Perdomo Double Aged 12 Years Vintage Connecticut
- Perdomo Double Aged 12 Years Vintage Maduro
- Perdomo Double Aged 12 Years Vintage Sun Grown
- Perdomo Fresco
- Perdomo Habano Bourbon Barrel-Aged Connecticut
- Perdomo Habano Bourbon Barrel-Aged Maduro
- Perdomo Habano Bourbon Barrel-Aged Sun Grown
- Perla del Mar Corojo
- Perla del Mar Maduro
- Perla del Mar Natural
- Pinolero Habano
- Pinolero Maduro
- PIO Resurrection LE
- Plasencia Alma Del Campo
- Plasencia Alma del Fuego
- Plasencia Alma Fuerte
- Plasencia Cosecha 146
- Plasencia Cosecha 149
- Plasencia Cosecha 151
- Plasencia Reserva Original
- Primeros by Davidoff
- Punch
- Punch Limited Editions
- Punch Deluxe
- Punch Diablo
- Punch Grand Cru Cigars
- Punch Grand Puro
- Punch Knuckle Buster
- Punch Rare Corojo
- Quesada 1974
- Quesada Casa Magna
- Quesada 40th Anniversary
- Quesada Casa Magna Liga F
- Quesada Espana
- Quesada Keg
- Quesada Reserva Barbepole
- Quesada Reserva Privada
- Quesada Reserva Privada Oscuro
- Quesada Vega Magna
- Quesada Oktoberfest
- Quesada Tributo
- Quorum
- Recluse Cigars
- Regius Black Label
- Regius Blue
- Regius Red
- Regius White
- Roberto P. Duran Baracoa
- Roberto P. Duran Premium Cigars
- Rocky Patel Free Sampler
- Rocky Patel Cigars All you need to know
- Rocky Patel Disciples
- Rocky Patel DBS Cigars
- Rocky Patel White Label
- Rocky Patel 15th Anniversary
- Rocky Patel ALR
- Rocky Patel Conviction
- Rocky Patel Emerald Cigars
- Rocky Patel Olde World Reserve
- Rocky Patel Tavicusa
- Rocky Patel Burn
- Rocky Patel Bold
- Rocky Patel Catch Twenty Two Connecticut
- Rocky Patel Catch Twenty Two Rare Corojo
- Rocky Patel Dark Dominicana
- Rocky Patel Decade
- Rocky Patel Fifty
- Rocky Patel Fifty Five
- Rocky Patel Freedom
- Rocky Patel Grand Reserve
- Rocky Patel Hamlet 2020
- Rocky Patel Hamlet 25th
- Rocky Patel Hamlet Liberation
- Rocky Patel Hamlet Paredes Tabaquero
- Rocky Patel Java
- Rocky Patel LB1
- Rocky Patel Nimmy D
- Rocky Patel Nording
- Rocky Patel Number 6
- Rocky Patel Platinum Limited Edition
- Rocky Patel Platinum
- Rocky Patel Prohibition
- Rocky Patel Private Cellar Collection
- Rocky Patel Cigar Smoking World Championship
- Rocky Patel Royale
- Rocky Patel Sixty
- Rocky Patel Quarter Century
- Rocky Patel Special Edition
- Rocky Patel Special Sungrown Maduro
- Rocky Patel Sungrown
- Rocky Patel The Edge 20th Anniversary
- Rocky Patel The Edge
- Rocky Patel The Edge A-10
- Rocky Patel The Edge Candela
- Rocky Patel The Edge Howitzer
- Rocky Patel The Edge Lite Connecticut
- Rocky Patel The Edge Sumatra
- Rocky Patel Thunder By Nimish
- Rocky Patel Twentieth Anniversary
- Rocky Patel Twentieth Anniversary Maduro
- Rocky Patel Vintage Series 1990
- Rocky Patel Vintage Series 1992
- Rocky Patel Vintage Series 1999
- Rocky Patel Vintage 2003 Cameroon
- Rocky Patel Vintage 2006 San Andres
- Rocky Patel Winter Collection
- Romeo 505 Nicaragua
- Romeo y Julieta 1875
- Romeo y Julieta 1875 Reserve Maduro
- Romeo y Julieta Connecticut Nicaragua
- Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua
- Romeo y Julieta Crafted by AJ Fernandez
- Romeo Anejo by Romeo y Julieta
- Romeo by Romeo y Julieta
- Romeo San Andres by Romeo y Julieta
- Romeo Y Julieta Aniversario
- Romeo y Julieta Rare Reserve
- Romeo y Julieta Reserve
- Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Nicaragua
- Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real
- Romeo Y Julieta Reserva Real Maduro
- Romeo y Julieta Vintage
- Room101 10th Anniversary
- Room101 Doomsayer
- Room101 Farce Connecticut
- Room101 Farce Maduro
- Room101 Farce Original
- Room101 Johnny Tobacconaut Cigars
- Sam Leccia
- Sancho Panza The Original
- Sancho Panza Double Maduro
- Sancho Panza Extra Fuerte cigars
- San Cristobal
- San Cristobal Elegancia
- San Cristobal Revelation
- San Cristobal Ovation
- San Cristobal Quintessence
- San Cristobal Seleccion del Sol
- San Luis Rey
- Sencillo Black
- Sencillo Platinum
- SENORIAL by Jose Blanco
- Sosa Classic
- Southern Draw Firethorn
- Southern Draw Jacobs Ladder
- Southern Draw Kudzu Oscuro
- Southern Draw Quickdraw Connecticut
- Southern Draw Quickdraw Habano
- Southern Draw Quickdraw PA Broadleaf
- Southern Draw Rose of Sharon
- Sublimes Cigars
- Tatuaje Cigars All you need to know
- Tatuaje Limited Edition Cigars
- Tatuaje Avion
- Tatuaje Black
- Tatuaje Broadleaf
- Tatuaje Cabaiguan
- Tatuaje Cabaiguan Guapos
- Tatuaje El Triunfador
- Tatuaje Escasos
- Tatuaje Fausto
- Tatuaje Havana VI
- Tatuaje Havana VI Verocu
- Tatuaje Havana VI Verocú Blue
- Tatuaje L'Atelier Cigars
- Tatuaje L'Atelier Cote d'Or
- Tatuaje L'Atelier Identité Mélange Spécial
- Tatuaje L'Atelier La Mission du L'Atelier
- Tatuaje L'Atelier Maduro Cigars
- Tatuaje L'Atelier Selection Speciale Cigars
- Tatuaje La Verite Limited Edition
- Tatuaje Miami
- Tatuaje Mexican Experiment
- Tatuaje Monsters Series
- Tatuaje Negociant Monopole
- Tatuaje Nuevitas
- Tatuaje Nicaragua
- Tatuaje Series P
- Tatuaje Surrogates Cigars
- Tatuaje Tattoo
- Tatuaje Tuxtla Series
- Te Amo Maduro
- Te Amo Natural
- Te Amo Revolution
- Timeless Prestige by Ferio Tego
- Timeless Supreme Cigars by Ferio Tego
- Timeless Sterling by Ferio Tego
- The Tabernacle Havana Seed CT #142
- The Tabernacle by Foundation
- The Truth by Caldwell
- The Upsetters
- The Wise Man El Gueguense
- Trinidad Espiritu
- Trinidad Santiago
- Vegafina
- VegaFina Anejados
- Vegafina Sumum Edicion
- Vegas del Purial Gran Reserva
- Victor Calvo Calibre Maduro
- Victor Calvo Cincuenta
- Victor Calvo Calibre Natural
- Victor Calvo Connecticut
- Victor Calvo Fuerte
- Victor Calvo Gold
- Victor Calvo Habano
- Victor Calvo Maduro
- Victor Calvo US Shade
- Villiger 1888
- Villiger Premium Machine Made Cigars
- Villiger Colorado
- Villiger Cuellar Black Forest
- Villiger Cuellar Kreme
- Villiger Export
- Villiger Exclusivo USA
- Villiger La Flor de Ynclan
- Villiger La Vencedora
- Villiger La Meridian El Mundo del Tabaco
- Villiger Talanga
- Villiger Tobajara | Discontinued
- Villiger La Libertad
- Villiger San'Doro
- Warped Corto
- Warped Isla del Cocodrilo
- Warped Bits of Havana
- Warped Chinchalle
- Warped LE Cloud Hopper Edition One
- Warped Don Reinaldo
- Warped Flor del Valle
- Warped Futuro
- Warped El Guardian of the Farm Cerberus
- Warped Guardian of the Farm
- Warped Guardian of the Farm Nightwatch
- Warped La Colmena
- Warped Limited Editions
- Warped La Hacienda
- Warped Maestro del Tiempo
- Warped Nicotina
- Warped Serie Gran Reserva 1988
- Warzone Cigars
- Wynwood Hills
- XEN By Nish Patel
- Yagua by J.C. Newman
- Zino Nicaragua
- Zino Platino Crown Series
- Zino Platinum Z-Crown
- Zino Platinum Collector's Edition