San Cristobal Cigars
San Cristobal Revelation Mystic Cigars are finely crafted premiums from a brand that have risen in popularity in a short span of time. These cigars are scrupulously hand rolled under the watchful eye of Don Pepin Garcia in their Nicaragua My Father Cigars factory. They sport a sharp square pressed look on solid body. It packs a rich blend of hand selected Nicaraguan tobaccos. A chocolaty brown Ecuadorian Sumatra EMS wrapper keeps them safe. The result is a medium to full bodied cigar with ample complexity and richness. Earthy, spicy-sweet core is beautifully complemented by the notes of cedar, nuts and leather. Smooth and satisfying these are memorable cigars crafted for the serious aficionados. These San Cristobal Revelation Mystic Cigars have a size of 5 5/8 x 48. They come in boxes of 24. To buy these high-rated cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.