San Cristobal Cigars
San Cristobal Revelation Legend Cigars are stunning premium cigars that have garnered high accolades from the critics. Packed with choicest Nicaraguan tobaccos they display a masterful blending. They sport a chocolate brown Ecuadorian Sumatra EMS wrapper on top. Crafted at the one and only My Father Cigar factory they have a sharp square-pressed look. The profile is medium to full with balanced, sophisticated flavors that touch the palate in a smooth manner. Earthy and spicy-sweet taste of the cigar is further accentuated by notes of cedar, nuts and leather. Overall, it delivers a rich yet smooth smoking experience worth remembering. They have also featured in the top 25 list of Cigar Aficionado. These San Cristobal Revelation Legend Cigars have a size of 6 1/4 x 52. They come in boxes of 24. To buy these high-rated cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.