H Upmann Cigars
H Upmann The Banker Arbitrage Cigars are extraordinary cigars whose blend has been prized for years. Kept in secret for a long time H Upmann has recreated them with the finest ingredients. The base of these cigars is made by mixing Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers. A Nicaraguan binder grown in Jalapa holds them and a stunning Ecuadorian Habano wrapper hugs them tightly. Rolled in the size of 56x7 these are solid cigars with an even burn line, thick ash. Medium in body these cigars exude a creamy, rich smoke laden with delicious flavors of coffee, leather, nuts and sweet spices. This complex smoke ends on a clean finish leaving a relishing taste. These H Upmann The Banker Arbitrage Cigars come in colorful packaging which immediately catches the attention. They are available in set of 15 cigars. To buy such beautiful cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.