E.P. Carrillo Cigars
EP Carrillo La Historia E-III Cigars are premium cigars offered by the renowned EP Carrillo cigar manufacturers. These premium cigars have made quite a fan base in a very short amount of time. These handmade cigars use a Nicaraguan grown long filler leaves on the inside which is one of the top quality fillers. It also includes an Ecuador Sumatra binder with the filler taking it to another level. The EP Carrillo La Historia E-III Cigars boasts a Mexican San Andres wrapper which is Sungrown and fermented specially to make a balanced flavour profile. The cigar has a medium to full body with a thick, creamy smoke. It has rich earthy notes with pepper, wood, cocoa and small notes of coffee. They are made in Toro shape with a size of 6 7/8 x 54. The cigars are packed in delightful boxes of 10. To buy a pack of these cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.