A Celebration of Craftsmanship and Heritage
Imagine holding a cigar that pays tribute to its creator’s roots and mastery. The A Flores 1975 Serie Privada Natural SP 58 is more than just a smoke; it’s a piece of history. This medium to full-bodied, box-pressed Churchill cigar commemorates the year Abe Flores, the master blender of PDR cigars, was born. Each puff celebrates impeccable craftsmanship from the legendary Tamboril, Dominican Republic.
Exceptional Blend for an Unparalleled Experience
With an Ecuador Habano wrapper, Nicaraguan Habano binder, and a premium blend of Nicaraguan Habano and Dominican Corojo fillers, the Habano SP 58 delivers bold and complex flavor. Carefully handcrafted using the traditional Entubado oldest technique, an artful Cuban method rarely seen in the DR, these cigars bring unparalleled draw and combustion.
Masterful Flavor Notes
Looking for a cigar that truly elevates your smoking experience? Expect notes of coffee, subtle wood, and a delicate hint of blackberry, giving each draw a smooth and refined complexity. Perfect for an indulgent afternoon or any moment worth celebrating.
Recognized Excellence
PDR Cigars is no stranger to accolades, with similar blends earning top ratings from Cigar Aficionado. The Maduro SP 58 is undoubtedly following the same path of luxury and recognition, making it a must-try for aficionados and newcomers alike.
Discover the Underrated Secret
Why settle for anything less than the best? If you're seeking a smoke that combines tradition, innovation, and flavor, the A Flores 1975 Serie Privada Natural SP 58 is your answer. Elevate your cigar collection and enjoy what true craftsmanship feels like.
Try the unmatched blend from PDR cigars today—your next great smoke awaits!
Handmade: | Y |
Country of Origin: | Dominican Republic |
Shape: | Grand Churchill |
Size: | 7 x 58 |
Strength: | medium to full bodied |
Wrapper: | Ecuadorian Habano |
Binder: | Nicaraguan Habano |
Filler: | Nicaraguan Habano and Dominican Corojo |
Box Cigar Count: | 24 |
Is Box-Pressed: | Y |
Is Long-Filler: | Y |
Is Discontinued: | N |
Tube: | N |
Is Limited: | N |
Is Flavored: | N |